Majid majidi’s film ‘the song of sparrows’ is set against the backdrop of a remote world,that depicts the life of innumerous multitudes seen around us,their quest for survival and the chaos and confusions of their daily life.the story encompasses the simplicity of human life.
As the film unveils itself the protagonist karim who works in an ostrich farm is portrayed as a man devoid of any urban trivialities. He leads an appreciable life by maintaining his family ties.The film makes it clear that hardships of life solidifies human relationships.the film instills hope on the common man who is caught amongst the forces of society he lives in.
The crisises they confronts makes the endurance more and more hazardous.the story proceeds through several incidents.karim’s wife tries hard to meet the ends of life. His elder daughter becomes partially deaf as her hearing aid gets damaged.karim’s faces dire consequences as he losts his job. He tries to seek out his livelihood in the big town where he is mistaken as a two-wheeler taxi-driver.karim gets immersed in the busting urban world,which gradually transforms the otherwise pious nature of karim. He loses his innocence.
Majid majidi’s has always proved his mettle in portraying the psyche of children (eg:the children of heaven). In this film he introduces a group of kids whose fervent wish is to make a fish tank.children defies elders to fulfill their dream. Though initially karim forbids his son,later he understands them. Karim gradually understands life through the children.Here the personal experience is broadened into something impersonal.Though their dreams shatter ,children retains their hope through a single fish,with a sort of innocent faith that only children could possess.
The song of sparrows through its lucid style makes it evident that an excellent film can converse effortlessly. Though the film basically reflects the frets and frails of ordinary naïve man ,it also deals with comparitively grave topics like acute unemployment,impacts of urbanized globalization,the state of poor in our society and the way their dreams are conditioned.
courtesy- nambidi ,mcj
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